May 10, 2019
Loan applications sent to Ngā Tāngata Microfinance are facilitated by an approved budgeting organisation. FinCap provides support to nearly 200 budgeting centres and over 2000 financial mentors and as such is an essential partner in enabling clients to access Ngā Tāngata Microfinance’s services. FinCap’s quality assurance programmes and ongoing training, ensures that the advice provided to clients is of the highest standard. Visit website
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Child Poverty Action Group
July 15, 2018
Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) is an independent charity working to eliminate child poverty in New Zealand, through research, education and advocacy. It is one of the founding members of Ngā Tāngata Microfinance Trust. CPAG supports NTM’s objective of offering a socially just alternative to fringe lending - safe, fair, affordable credit. Visit website
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Presbyterian Support Northern
July 14, 2018
Presbyterian Support Northern has actively supported Ngā Tāngata Microfinance since its inception. As a provider of budgeting and total money management services, PSN strongly supports the need for ethical and affordable financial services for low income New Zealanders. Visit website
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July 13, 2018
Kiwibank is committed to the development of a microfinance sector in New Zealand. We provide the capital that Ngā Tāngata Microfinance lends and we have provided technical and commercial support to Ngā Tāngata Trust to establish microfinance services. Visit website
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New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services
July 12, 2018
The New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services members are the Anglican Care Network, Baptist Churches of New Zealand, Catholic Social Services, Presbyterian Support Service Inc. and the Methodist and Salvation Army Churches. NZCCSS is a founding member of Ngā Tāngata Microfinance, its members are engaged in practically supporting the roll out of ethical and affordable financial services for low income New Zealanders through all of our communities. Visit website
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J R McKenzie Trust
J R McKenzie Trust provide funding for administration and support to Ngā Tāngata Microfinance Trust. “Our strategy for 2010 - 2014 is to focus all that we do as a Trust, including our grant making, on working towards a more socially just and inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand. Within this, our main focus areas are Māori Development and Disadvantaged Children and their Families.” Visit website
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Good Shepherd Microfinance
Good Shepherd is committed to supporting the development of microfinance in New Zealand. With 33 years' experience, we provide the no interest loans know-how, systems and processes, training and quality assurance controls, which have enabled Ngā Tāngata to establish and grow it's NILS programme. We are pleased to have Ngā Tāngata as an important member of our accredited NILS network. Visit website
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