Stories and tips from the Kete

Heaps of My Money Kete members have already started getting ahead with money. See below for their stories and tips, and email us if you want to add your own.

Stories about getting ahead with money

Sheryl's story
How My Money Kete is helping this family make ends meet.
Rona's story
Feeling in control of your money is life changing.

Top tips & ideas from our members

“I’ve cut out the takeaways and now I make ‘fake-aways’.”


“My Financial Mentor helped me clean up my debts and I’m saving $20 a week”


“I pay seven APs every month to cover upcoming expenses.”


“I’ve always had a veggie garden and it’s saved me so much money over the years.”


“I now plan my meals in advance so I don’t waste ingredients.”


“Freezing veggies and stewing fruit when they’re in season saves me heaps.”


With thanks to Booster Foundation